High School Diploma

Friday, July 08, 2005

High School Diploma - High School Completion - Part 1

Diploma Options

On average, 15 - 20% of young people in developed nations quit high school before graduation. Unfortunately, the economic prospects of high school leavers are poor. In Canada, for example, they are three times more likely to be unemployed than university graduates. Education also has a direct impact on earnings. An American study comparing the incomes of university and high school graduates found that degree holders made 54% (males) to 88% more (females).

Fortunately, there are many options to make high school completion easier for adults who want to get ahead while juggling work and family responsibilities. High school completion options lead to either a high school diploma or high school equivalency.

High School Diploma Options

If you're just a few credits short, taking courses to complete your high school diploma may be the fastest and easiest path for you. Many districts offer classes specifically for adults, including traditional classroom study, distance learning, or co-enrollment for both high school and college credit.


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